
Review: Young Frankenstein

Frankenstein has become a sort of Halloween pop culture icon, with a fandom ranging from the Mary Shelley purists to the Alvin and the Chipmunks junkies. And while the classic Mel Brooks/Gene Wilder comedy is a major part of this fandom, Young Frankenstein the Musical is not as well known. Mel Brooks did, however, write […]

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Review: Kingdom Come at Dramashop

“Thy kingdom come” is, in prayer, an invitation to the Lord Almighty to bestow his/her/their wishes upon you. I had to Google this. I’m not religious. But having just seen Kingdom Come at Dramashop, an earnest and hard-hitting comedy by Jenny Rachel Weiner, I’m ruminating over what all humans, myself included, must accept: our own […]

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Review: Spooks at PACA

Imagine, for a moment, that you’re stuck at a family reunion in 1986, floundering with discomfort as your elderly relatives struggle to recall any semblance of fact, while your Great Aunt Jean spends way too much time at the wine counter and your Second-Cousin-Twice-Removed-Or-Something Dorothy casually flirts with a priest. Now imagine that you could, […]

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